Most people I've talked to can't imagine or be paid a million dollars to go back to high school. I have never thought twice about it. I loved high school so much, I hope to go back and be to someone else that my teachers were to me. Back then, it was a simpler time. Thinking back on the issues and problems that I had - I realize that it was easy breezy and that I stressed out way too much. Anyone who remembers me from high school - would agree that I was involved in everything..
When I started college there was such a lack of involvement on my part, I believed that maybe college wasn't for me - but not true - I just needed to get involved and so I did and then had the a great four years. I got to know a bunch of great girls I now call my sisters.
I was also lucky enough to share most of both of those times with my hubby and after coming across some old pictures and notes it reminded me of how far we had come as individuals and how far we have come as husband and wife.
Sure, we all think we're going to marry our high school sweet heart - but hey, I really did.
It seems that our ten year reunion in steadily approaching and I couldn't be more excited. Not only for just the event - but I'm excited to be back with those people during a different time and just see how far everyone has come. I graduated with only 47 people so I can honestly say that I had a relationship with each and for the ones I can't keep up with on facebook - I am intrigued to see where life has taken them. So here's to your class of 2003 - may you all be doing well in life and I look forward to getting to know each of you again and the people you will be in four more years. :)
Cinnamon Snowflake Bread
5 years ago
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